Hello, Java 17!

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My first project in the technology world was to migrate an enterprise Java 4 application to Java 6. The original estimation for this migration was two months, and it went up to six months later due to issues that popped up suddenly.
Why am I talking about this now?
On September 14, Java Development Kit (JDK) 17 will be released, and it marks the next LTS release for the Java programming language after Java 11 LTS release.
Spring, a popular framework for Java web applications, is baselining their new framework release on JDK 17. I’m thinking it is going to be fun upgrading applications from Java 6 or 8.
A Java major version release was a big thing for the Java community. A lot of API changes, deprecations, new features, etc. Of course, with the new half-yearly release model, things have changed quite a bit with many features battle-tested by several application platforms built on Java, with most of the features backward compatible to the LTS release Java 8, Java 11.
Java 17 is the latest LTS release, after Java 11. It has features like ZGC, Records, Sealed Classes even though projects like Loom, Panama, Amber are still WIP.
If you are looking to get more information about the new release or Java in general, please take a look at these –
foojay.io - a central resource for the Java community’s daily information needs.
Java Annotated Monthly - A newsletter focussed on all things Java from the Jetbrains team.
Java Magazine - Good old Java magazine.
inside.java - from members of the Java team at Oracle.
What I made this week?
I did a Twitter spaces discussion skilling on Azure Cloud Platform, which generated a few insights from the session. Please see the below thread for more information.
Aravind Putrevu | అరవింద్ | अरविंद
Join @vivek_sridhar and me tomorrow to listen more about cloud skills, learning paths and more on Azure. @MSFTReactor @Azure
Set reminder now 👇
What I read this week?
How Docker broke in half | InfoWorld
The game changing container company is a shell of its former self. What happened to one of the hottest enterprise technology businesses of the cloud era?
What You Can Learn from the AWS Tokyo Outage – The New Stack
Our applications are more complex and now rely on more external services and systems, and this increases our overall susceptibility to failure.
Setting up hot-warm-cold architecture with ECK and SAML authentication
Setting up hot-warm-cold architecture with ECK and SAML authentication
Open source projects
Are you looking to learn RustLang? This is an excellent repository to do that step by step.
rust-lang/rustlings: Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
A fine way to learn concepts of Rustlang by example.
Upcoming developer conference
Annual Elasticon is happening on October 5-7, 2021. I’m excited to invite you virtually for many fun-filled learning activities!
ElasticON Global | Free virtual event | Elasticsearch & ELK Stack user conference
Learn from Elastic experts, partners, and customers in a free, fully virtual event packed with user stories, roadmaps, deep dives, demos, and Q&A with Elastic developers.
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Aravind Putrevu 👋🏽
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