GitHub Copilot, Terraform 101, DataViz recommender and JAMStackConf

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This week, I interacted with a DevOps practitioner turned founder, and a Tech Architect turned Creator. I realized how one could build fantastic side hustle’s these days.

Aravind Putrevu | అరవింద్ | अराविंद
#GitHubCopilot is 🆒 & 🔥 at the same time!
I'm enthralled at times with options. Built 4 apps (1 Java, 2 Python, this) in an hour or so. Quite useful as an assistant!
More to be explored.
PS: We’ll still not be out of our jobs 😂
What I read this week?
Monitoring Kubernetes with the Elastic Stack using Prometheus and Fluentd
By using Prometheus to scrape metrics & Fluentd for log collection
I read this nice introduction post to Terraform - an open-source infrastructure as a code software tool that is important as we advance into a multi-cloud world.
I recently came across Terraform and was amazed by all that it has to offer.
If you are a company building, developer-facing products and users ask questions on discussion platforms like StackOverflow, Discourse. But, beyond a point, engaging/curating/answering devs building software using your product is hard, recognizing community members contributing, sharing knowledge more challenging problems. So I’m glad to see SO, a popular Q&A platform, come up with Collectives through which one could curate communities better. Sample collectives - Google Cloud, GoLang.
Opensource Projects
Lux is a Python library that facilitates fast and easy data exploration by automating the visualization and data analysis process. By simply printing out a data frame in a Jupyter notebook, Lux recommends a set of visualizations highlighting interesting trends and patterns in the dataset.
Python API for Intelligent Visual Data Discovery.
Call for proposals
JavaScript, API, and Markup - JAMStack is used to build static websites and simple web applications. It offers a great developer experience. Jamstack Conf is happening in October, CFP closes on July 9th, 2021. I’m happy to help if you want to write a CFP.
Jamstack Conf 2021: Call for Papers
Jamstack Conf is for engineers, web architects, technology leaders, and digital agencies embracing the next evolution of modern web development architecture.
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