Competition for hiring Talent, Telepresence, and about App Sec Days'21

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Over the last two months, the job market is hot. There are multiple openings. I have got so many calls for a role like, Developer Advocate, which is a role that many companies would not hire for!
It is tough to hire the right folks, more difficult if you are looking for a founding team. A recent Tech Crunch article points out that -
“Engineers from firms like CRED, RazorPay expect as much as $150,000 a year, if not more — often four to five times the amount founders at early-stage startups draw themselves”
Good to be looking for a job, a hard time for both recruiters, founders, and teams looking to hire.

This week, I posted a simple explainer on Cloud Concepts.
What I read this week?
Data streams in Elasticsearch are the future for time-series use cases. Read this fantastic blog post from my colleague Alex which covers A-Z of Data streams.
Do Cross The Streams - Elasticsearch Data Streams Explained
This blog post will introduce you to the concepts of data streams, including why it’s a good idea to move your time-based data over to data streams and what advantages you will have from doing so.
I found this tutorial interesting as I never thought of using NodeJS for creating interactive command-line prompts!
How To Create Interactive Command-line Prompts with Inquirer.js
Learn how to add interactive command-line prompts to your Node.js scripts npm package.
Open source Projects
I keep thinking when I build on platforms like GKE, AKS how difficult it is for a dev to code, compile, make containers, deploy to a container registry, and then deploy on k8s. Of course, there are tools like skaffold, but I looked for more specialization and found Google’s Ko, but it is only for GoLang. Finally, Telepresence seems to be active and trying to address the dev problem.
telepresence: Local development against a remote Kubernetes
Local development against a remote Kubernetes or OpenShift cluster
Upcoming Dev Conferences
OWASP is running a developer focussed security event, App Sec Days 2021
AppSec Days OWASP Developer Security Summit Jul 24, 2021
OWASP Foundation presents AppSec Days OWASP Developer Security Summit 2021 - Saturday, July 24, 2021, | Sunday, July 25, 2021
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