Aravind's newsletter - Issue #2
Welcome to my musings!
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I’m most excited at the return of in-person events in certain parts of the globe. Last week, Elastic had an in-person meetup in Israel. Things look good, like pre-pandemic. Vaccines FTW!
Over to this week’s learnings :)
What I read/heard this week?
Offloading Database Queries to Elasticsearch
The PUDO team at Ninja Van is responsible for different services to support the business in providing this service to end customers.
InfraCloud blog has great tutorials on various technology topics, this is one such blog which articulates some SRE Best practices.
Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) Best Practices
SRE’s real focus is preventing outages. If you’re planning to adopt SRE culture in your project/organization, train your team, follow these SRE best practices.
One of the best podcasts on internet, even if you are not looking to build a business someday, but interesting to hear thoughts on how people from all walks of life built their businesses.
Courtland Allen interviews the ambitious indie hackers who are turning their ideas and side projects into profitable online businesses.
Open source Projects
I’ve heard about Project Discovery from a friend of mine, a package of several open source projects related to security doing different things. Take a look!
Security Through Intelligent Automation.
Upcoming events
Kubernetes Community Days Bengaluru 2021 | Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Kubernetes Community Days (KCD) Bengaluru 2021 is the inaugural KCD event in…
Kafka Summit is the premier event for developers, architects, data engineers, DevOps professionals, and anyone else who wants to learn about streaming data.
That’s all folks! If you have feedback or questions or things to contribute. Please reply to this newsletter.
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